A |
alias_deref [Ldap_types] |
attribute [Ldap_schemaparser] |
The type representing an attribute definition
attribute [Ldap_types] |
attribute_value_assertion [Ldap_types] |
authentication [Ldap_types] |
authmethod [Ldap_funclient] |
B |
backendInfo [Ldap_funserver] |
This structure is the guts of the ldap server.
ber_class [Lber] |
ber_length [Lber] |
ber_val_header [Lber] |
bind_request [Ldap_types] |
bind_response [Ldap_types] |
C |
changerec [Ldap_ooclient] |
The type of an ldap change record, used by extended LDIF
changetype [Ldap_ooclient] |
The change type of an ldapentry.
compare_request [Ldap_types] |
con_mech [Ldap_types] |
conn [Ldap_funclient] |
connection_id [Ldap_funserver] |
D |
dn [Ldap_types] |
E |
elt [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] |
entry [Ldap_funclient] |
extended_request [Ldap_types] |
extended_response [Ldap_types] |
F |
filter [Ldap_types] |
G |
generation_error [Ldap_ooclient] |
The type of error raised by attribute generators
generator [Ldap_ooclient] |
The structure of a generator
L |
ldap_control [Ldap_types] |
ldap_controls [Ldap_types] |
ldap_ext_return [Ldap_types] |
extended information to return with the LDAP_Failure
ldap_grouping_cookie [Ldap_types] |
a cookie that is sent with every ldap operation which is part of a
ldap_grouping_type [Ldap_types] |
see draft-zeilenga-ldap-grouping-xx Ldap grouping is a way of
telling the server that a set of ldap operations is related, its most
interesting application is transactions across multiple objects.
ldap_message [Ldap_types] |
ldap_result [Ldap_types] |
ldap_resultcode [Ldap_types] |
ldap_url [Ldap_types] |
log_level [Ldap_funserver] |
M |
matching_rule_assertion [Ldap_types] |
modattr [Ldap_funclient] |
modify_dn_request [Ldap_types] |
modify_op [Ldap_types] |
modify_optype [Ldap_types] |
modify_request [Ldap_types] |
msgid [Ldap_funclient] |
O |
objectclass [Ldap_schemaparser] |
The type representing an objectclass definition
octype [Ldap_schemaparser] |
op [Ldap_ooclient] |
the type of an operation, eg.
op_lst [Ldap_ooclient] |
P |
protocol_op [Ldap_types] |
R |
readbyte [Lber] |
readbyte_error [Lber] |
referral_policy [Ldap_ooclient] |
The policy the client should take when it encounteres a
result [Ldap_funclient] |
S |
saslCredentials [Ldap_types] |
scflavor [Ldap_ooclient] |
schema [Ldap_schemaparser] |
The type representing the whole schema.
search_request [Ldap_types] |
search_result [Ldap_funclient] |
search_result_entry [Ldap_types] |
the type used to encode and decode a search entry.
search_scope [Ldap_types] |
a type defining the scope of a search filter
server_info [Ldap_funserver] |
service [Ldap_ooclient] |
The structure of a service
substring_component [Ldap_types] |
substring_filter [Ldap_types] |
T |
t [Ldap_schemaparser.Lcstring] |
t [Ldap_schemaparser.Oid] |
t [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] |
t [Ldap_ooclient.OrdOid] |
txn [Ldap_txooclient] |
the abstract type of a transaction
W |
writebyte [Lber] |