type msgid
type conn
type modattr = Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list
type result = Ldap_types.search_result_entry list
type entry = Ldap_types.search_result_entry
type authmethod = [ `SASL | `SIMPLE ]
type search_result =
[ `Entry of Ldap_funclient.entry | `Referral of string list ]
val init :
?connect_timeout:int ->
?version:int -> string list -> Ldap_funclient.conn
val unbind : Ldap_funclient.conn -> unit
val bind_s :
?who:string ->
?cred:string -> ?auth_method:[> `SIMPLE ] -> Ldap_funclient.conn -> unit
val search :
?base:string ->
?scope:Ldap_types.search_scope ->
?aliasderef:Ldap_types.alias_deref ->
?sizelimit:int32 ->
?timelimit:int32 ->
?attrs:string list ->
?attrsonly:bool -> Ldap_funclient.conn -> string -> Ldap_funclient.msgid
val get_search_entry :
Ldap_funclient.conn ->
Ldap_funclient.msgid ->
[> `Entry of Ldap_types.search_result_entry | `Referral of string list ]
val abandon : Ldap_funclient.conn -> Ldap_funclient.msgid -> unit
val search_s :
?base:string ->
?scope:Ldap_types.search_scope ->
?aliasderef:Ldap_types.alias_deref ->
?sizelimit:int32 ->
?timelimit:int32 ->
?attrs:string list ->
?attrsonly:bool ->
Ldap_funclient.conn ->
string ->
[> `Entry of Ldap_types.search_result_entry | `Referral of string list ]
val add_s : Ldap_funclient.conn -> Ldap_funclient.entry -> unit
val delete_s : Ldap_funclient.conn -> dn:string -> unit
val modify_s :
Ldap_funclient.conn ->
dn:string ->
mods:(Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list) list -> unit
val modrdn_s :
?deleteoldrdn:bool ->
?newsup:'a option ->
Ldap_funclient.conn -> dn:string -> newdn:string -> unit