type txn
exception Txn_commit_failure of string * exn *
Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry_t list option
exception Txn_rollback_failure of string * exn
class ldapadvisorytxcon :
?connect_timeout:int ->
?referral_policy:[> `RETURN ] ->
?version:int ->
string list ->
string ->
string ->
string ->
method add : Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry -> unit
method associate_entries :
Ldap_txooclient.txn -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry_t list -> unit
method associate_entry :
Ldap_txooclient.txn -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry_t -> unit
method begin_txn : Ldap_txooclient.txn
method bind :
?cred:string -> ?meth:Ldap_funclient.authmethod -> string -> unit
method commit_txn : Ldap_txooclient.txn -> unit
method delete : string -> unit
method disassociate_entries :
Ldap_txooclient.txn -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry_t list -> unit
method disassociate_entry :
Ldap_txooclient.txn -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry_t -> unit
method modify :
string ->
(Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list) list -> unit
method modrdn :
string ->
?deleteoldrdn:bool -> ?newsup:string option -> string -> unit
method rawschema : Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry
method rollback_txn : Ldap_txooclient.txn -> unit
method schema : Ldap_schemaparser.schema
method search :
?scope:Ldap_types.search_scope ->
?attrs:string list ->
?attrsonly:bool ->
?base:string -> string -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry list
method search_a :
?scope:Ldap_types.search_scope ->
?attrs:string list ->
?attrsonly:bool ->
?base:string ->
string -> ?abandon:bool -> unit -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry
method unbind : unit
method update_entry : Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry -> unit