module Ldif_oo: sig
.. end
an object oriented interface to the ldif parser
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> < read_entry : 'a; .. > -> unit
Ldif_oo.iter f ldif, iterate accross all ldif entries in the
specified ldif object, applying f to each one
val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> < read_entry : 'b; .. > -> 'a -> 'a
Ldif_oo.fold f ldif value, for each ldif entry en in the ldif
object fold computes f (... (f (f value e1) e2) ...) en
val entry2ldif : ?ext:bool ->
Buffer.t ->
< attributes : string list; dn : string; get_value : string -> string list;
.. > ->
if you need a fast, low level interface to to_string, this
function will write ldif directly into a buffer. Setting ext to
true (defaul false) will write extended ldif. Extended ldif should
be parsed using the Ldif_changerec_oo module.
val read_ldif_file : string -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry list
read all the entries in the named ldif file and return them in a list
val write_ldif_file : string -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry list -> unit
write all the entries in the given list to the named file in ldif format
class ldif : ?in_ch:Pervasives.in_channel -> ?out_ch:Pervasives.out_channel -> unit ->
.. end