A | |
abandon [Ldap_funclient] |
abandon the async request attached to msgid.
add [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
add_s [Ldap_funclient] |
add entry to the directory
apply_with_mutex [Ldap_mutex] |
used to apply some function, first locking the mutex, unlocking it
only after the function has been applied.
attrToOid [Ldap_ooclient] |
given a name of an attribute name (canonical or otherwise), return
its oid
B | |
bind_s [Ldap_funclient] |
authenticatite to the server.
C | |
canonical_dn [Ldap_dn] |
returns the canonical dn.
cardinal [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
choose [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
compare [Ldap_schemaparser.Lcstring] | |
compare [Ldap_schemaparser.Oid] | |
compare [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
compare [Ldap_ooclient.OrdOid] | |
D | |
decode_ber_bool [Lber] |
Encoding/Decoding of the boolean primative ASN.1 type.
decode_ber_enum [Lber] |
Encoding/Decoding of enum primative ASN.1 type.
decode_ber_header [Lber] |
decoding and encoding of the ber header
decode_ber_int32 [Lber] |
Encoding/Decoding of the integer primative ASN.1 type.
decode_ber_null [Lber] |
Encoding/Decoding of Null ASN.1 type.
decode_ber_octetstring [Lber] |
Encoding/Decoding of octetstring ASN.1 types.
decode_berval_list [Lber] |
this is the reverse of the above, it takes a readbyte structure, and
returns a list of decoded elements, processed according to the decoder
function you pass in.
decode_ldapmessage [Ldap_protocol] |
decode an ldap_message from the wire, and build/return a
structure of type ldap_message
decode_resultcode [Ldap_protocol] |
return the result code for the specified int, error codes which do
not map to a code defined within the standard (or any of our own
internal ones) will be represented as (`UNKNOWN_ERROR of int), where
int is the unknown error code.
delete_s [Ldap_funclient] |
delete the entry named by dn from the directory
diff [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
E | |
elements [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
empty [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
encode_ber_bool [Lber] | |
encode_ber_enum [Lber] | |
encode_ber_header [Lber] | |
encode_ber_int32 [Lber] | |
encode_ber_null [Lber] | |
encode_ber_octetstring [Lber] | |
encode_berval_list [Lber] |
this function is for encoding lists of bervals, a common case.
encode_ldapmessage [Ldap_protocol] |
encode a value of type ldap_message using lber and return
a string which is ready to be put on the wire
encode_resultcode [Ldap_protocol] |
return the int asociated with the specified result code
entry2ldif [Ldif_oo] |
if you need a fast, low level interface to to_string, this
function will write ldif directly into a buffer.
equal [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
equateAttrs [Ldap_ooclient] |
equate attributes by oid.
err2string [Ldap_error] |
given an ldap error code return a string describing it
escape_filterstring [Ldap_filter] |
escape a string which is intended to be the VALUE of an attribute
assertion in a filter.
escape_value [Ldap_dn] |
Escape a string which you intend to be part of a VALUE in the
exists [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
F | |
filter [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
fold [Ldif_changerec_oo] |
Ldif_changerec.fold f change value, for each change entry en in
the change object fold computes f (...
fold [Ldif_oo] |
Ldif_oo.fold f ldif value, for each ldif entry en in the ldif
object fold computes f (...
fold [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
fold [Ldap_ooclient] |
given a source of ldapentry objects (unit -> ldapentry), such as
the return value of ldapcon#search_a compute (f eN ...
for_all [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
format_entries [Ldap_ooclient] |
format lists of entries, in this case only print the dn
format_entry [Ldap_ooclient] |
toplevel formatter for ldapentry, prints the whole entry with a
nice structure.
format_lcstring [Ldap_schemaparser] | |
format_oid [Ldap_schemaparser] | |
format_schema [Ldap_schemaparser] |
A formatter for the schema, prints the structure, and expands the
hashtbls to show the keys.
G | |
getAttr [Ldap_ooclient] |
get an attr structure by one of its names (canonical or otherwise,
however getting it by canonical name is currently much faster)
getOc [Ldap_ooclient] |
get an objectclass structure by one of its names (canonical or
otherwise, however getting it by canonical name is currently much
get_search_entry [Ldap_funclient] |
fetch a search entry from the wire using the given msgid.
I | |
init [Ldap_funserver] |
Initialize the server, create the listening socket and return the
server context, which you will pass to serv to process
init [Ldap_funclient] |
Initializes the conn data structure, and opens a connection to the
inter [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
is_empty [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
iter [Ldif_changerec_oo] |
Ldif_changerec.iter f change, iterate accross all change entries
in the specified change object, applying f to each one
iter [Ldif_oo] |
Ldif_oo.iter f ldif, iterate accross all ldif entries in the
specified ldif object, applying f to each one
iter [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
iter [Ldap_ooclient] |
given a source of ldapentry objects (unit -> ldapentry), such as
the return value of ldapcon#search_a, apply f (first arg) to each entry
See List.iter
L | |
ldap_perror [Ldap_error] |
print to stderr a string with a human readable description of an LDAP_Failure exception
ldap_strerror [Ldap_error] |
return a string with a human readable description of an LDAP_Failure exception
ldapadd [Ldap_toplevel] |
connect to the specified host and add the specified objects.
ldapmodify [Ldap_toplevel] |
connect to the specified host and perform one or more modifications.
ldapsearch [Ldap_toplevel] |
connect to the specified host and perform a search.
M | |
map [Ldap_ooclient] |
same as rev_map, but does it in order
max_elt [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
mem [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
min_elt [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
modify_s [Ldap_funclient] |
apply the list of modifications to the named entry
modrdn_s [Ldap_funclient] |
change the rdn, and optionally the superior entry of dn
O | |
ocToOid [Ldap_ooclient] |
given a name of an objectclass (canonical or otherwise), return
its oid.
of_entry [Ldap_ooclient] |
given an ldapentry as returned by ldapcon, or constructed manually,
produce a search_result_entry suitable for ldap_funclient, or
of_string [Ldap_schemaparser.Lcstring] | |
of_string [Ldap_schemaparser.Oid] | |
of_string [Ldap_dn] |
Given a string representation of a dn, return a structured
of_string [Ldap_filter] |
turn the string representation into the internal representation
defined in ldap_types.ml.
of_string [Ldap_url] |
internalize the url contained in the string argument
oidToAttr [Ldap_ooclient] |
given the oid of an attribute, return its canonical name
oidToOc [Ldap_ooclient] |
given the oid of an objectclass, return its canonical name
P | |
partition [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
R | |
readSchema [Ldap_schemaparser] |
readSchema attribute_list objectclass_list, parse the schema into
a schema type given a list of attribute definition lines, and
objectclass definition lines.
read_contents [Lber] |
reads the contents octets
read_ldif_file [Ldif_oo] |
read all the entries in the named ldif file and return them in a list
readbyte_of_ber_element [Lber] |
return a readbyte implementation which uses another readbyte, but
allows setting a read boundry.
readbyte_of_fd [Lber] |
a readbyte implementation which reads from an FD.
readbyte_of_ssl [Lber] |
a readbyte implementation which reads from an SSL socket.
readbyte_of_string [Lber] |
return a readbyte function for a string, currently not implemented
remove [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
rev_map [Ldap_ooclient] |
given a source of ldapentry objects (unit -> ldapentry), such as
the return value of ldapcon#search_a apply f (first arg) to each
entry in reverse, and return a list containing the result of each
run [Ldap_funserver] |
Using the supplied server context, begin processing ldap operations.
S | |
schema_print_depth [Ldap_schemaparser] |
This reference controls the dept of printing for the schema in the
search [Ldap_funclient] |
Search for the given entry with the specified base node and search
scope, optionally limiting the returned attributes to those listed in
search_s [Ldap_funclient] |
This is the syncronus version of search.
shutdown [Ldap_funserver] |
Shutdown the server
singleton [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
split [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
subset [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
T | |
to_entry [Ldap_ooclient] |
given a search_result_entry as returned by ldap_funclient, produce an
ldapentry containing either the entry, or the referral object
to_string [Ldap_schemaparser.Lcstring] | |
to_string [Ldap_schemaparser.Oid] | |
to_string [Ldap_dn] |
Given a structural representation of a dn, return a string
to_string [Ldap_filter] |
turn an internal representaion of a filter into a string
representaion compliant with rfc2254
U | |
unbind [Ldap_funclient] |
close the connection to the server.
union [Ldap_ooclient.Setstr] | |
W | |
write_ldif_file [Ldif_oo] |
write all the entries in the given list to the named file in ldif format